“Daryl is an environmentally minded social entrepreneur. She has a demonstrated commitment to the principles of sustainability and a proven capacity for designing small but elegant spaces for expansive living which work with (instead of against) the planet. We need many more like her with that scope of vision and dedication. ”
HGTV Homes Across America
HGTV Designer's Challenge
"Comfortable, Cosy & Natural" The Nelson Mail
“Healing by Design” Trend Magazine
“Coming Home to Health” Experience Life Magazine
“Making Wholesome Houses” Trend Magazine
“Casa Natura” Natural Home Magazine
“Renaissance at Casa Natura” Local Flavor
Books that feature Daryl Stanton
Creating a Safe a Healthy Home, (Creative Publishing Int., 2006 L.M. Hunter, p. 4 and Chapter on Furnishings, pp. 60-68
Econest, (Gibbs Smith, 2005) P. Baker-Laporte and R. Laporte pp. 62-67
Prescriptions for a Healthy Home, (New Society, 2001) P. Baker-Laporte, E. Elliott, MD, and J. Banta, Chapter 12, Furnishings